Trademark Specimen showing use.
Trademark Specimen showing use of the Mark to identify your goods/services must be submitted with a trademark application. The specimen must show the Mark as filed and identify the goods/services specified in the application, such as packaging, labels, menu, webpage. Likely a picture of your product with a tag or label or packaging showing the mark and good/product.
According to the Patent & Trademark Office:
Products: Examples of specimens for goods are tags, labels, instruction manuals, containers, photographs that show the mark on the actual goods or packaging, or displays associated with the actual goods at their point of sale. One is not acceptable for the other. Digitally-photographed image of product in packaging as used in commerce.
Services: Examples of specimens for services are leaflets, handbills, brochures, advertising circulars and other printed advertising material, while normally acceptable for showing use in connection with services, generally are not acceptable specimens for showing trademark use in connection with goods.
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