Step 1 of Inventors KitInventors Kit LogoDocument your Invention

Document the conception of your invention and its reduction to practice (the knowledge of making) using the Inventors Kit do-it-yourself. Answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions of your discovery. The US is a “first to invent” country verses a “first to file” country; therefore, you are advised to document your conception and reduction to practice.

What is Document your Invention – a detailed written record of Conception/Building/ Testing/Improving your invention)? A record of invention is the written document of your idea and its reduction to practice. Every inventor must keep a detailed written record of his or her invention. Why because in the US the first person to invent is the person awarded a patent for an invention. Since U.S. Patent law rewards the first person who invents something new, therefore, one should keep detailed records of his/her conception and reduction to practice of their invention. In the U.S. ‘invention’ is generally defined to comprise two steps: (1) conception of the invention (idea), and (2) reduction to practice of the invention (making). Therefore, one must keep an accurate and detailed record of both events. Let Let Inventor Start® show you a step-by-step, do it yourself, easy to follow inventors kit to record your invention for your own safe keeping. Included is information & instructions on how to record your invention, sample invention recordings, and your own ready to use record of invention form.

Inventors Kit

By Mat Grell, Patent Attorney